Twistpad Help   

Editor Display Preferences

Full line select
This option is used to control how Twistpad draws selected lines when they are completely part of the selection. When not checked, selected lines are highlighted up to their right end. When checked, they are highlighted up to the right edge of the control's window.

Highlight internet links
If checked, Internet and e-mail Address's will be highlighted.

   Active Internet Links
   When Checked, pressing the Ctrl key while the mouse cursor is over a internet or e-mail address, will cause it to be highlighted and can be clicked to launch the default web browser or e-mail client

Highlight current line
If checked, the current line will be highlighted using a pale color. Please note this color can be changed.

Highlight brackets
If checked, when the cursor is over a bracket the matching bracket will be highlighted.
If no opposite bracket is found, it will be highlighted with the error underline color.

Show gutter
If checked, the gutter at the right of the editor is shown

   Show Line Numbers
   If checked, the corresponding line number will be shown in the gutter

      Number all lines
      If checked, all lines will be displayed, if unchecked only every tenth line number is shown on the gutter

Show ruler
If checked, a horizontal ruler will be shown on the top of the Twistpad editor

Show end of file line
If checked, a horizontal line will flag the end of the file

Show virtual spaces
If checked, spaces are inserted between the end of the line and the insertion point before new characters are added to the line. When you clear the option, the insertion point is set to the end of the line

Show function separators
If checked, function separators will be shown in the line they are found. Functions for each file type can be defined in the SDF Files definition

Show right line
If checked, a right line will be shown in the editor. This line is useful for documents that require constraint at a fixed width

   Right Line Position
   This numeric value determines at what character the right line is shown

   Wrap at Right Line
   If checked, when in wordwrap mode, the editor will wrap the text at the right line position. If not, text will be wrapped at the end of the editor width

   Paint Beyond Right Line
   If checked, all area after the right line will be painted in another color (This color can be set in the Editor Colors section)

Show white space
This option let the editor show non visible chars, a small line for tabs, a small point for spaces and a paragraph char for end of paragraphs

Show indentation guides
Indentation guides are thin vertical lines that appear only in whitespace areas to connect the various indentation levels of your code.

   Alternate colored guides
   Each vertical line will have a differect color (please note that the colors will reset in 10 by 10 column values)

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